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advanced treatment

Thanks to our team of certified therapists who bring wide range of expertise, our patients receive outstanding quality of care, and treatment plans that are clinically proven to yield best results even in the most difficult conditions.

“One third of our patients are people injured in traffic accidents, and we’ve been fortunate to see some of our most dramatic success stories occur among these patients. People who arrived unable to walk for months have reached levels of functionality more quickly than they thought possible. Also people who lived in excruciating pain that was only partially manageable with prescription meditation, reached the level of wellness at which they were pain and medication free.

More often than not, recovery in heavy traumatic injuries is a long and painful process. However people who don’t give up, will eventually see the progress. This progress is often sudden, after a prolonged plateau, and its degree often exceeds patients’ expectations. For the patients who begin treatment skeptical about its results, it becomes even more rewarding to see their progress and recovery.“ Like in many other life situations, in physical therapy, it is persistence that pays!

We work with patients of various profiles, backgrounds, professions, and ages. Programs are always adjusted to best fit each patient’s needs, and each patient is individually assessed and treated accordingly, starting with those dealing with musculoskeletal pain as part of normal aging process, professional and recreational athletes, children diagnosed with debilitating conditions, to patients with minor everyday life injuries.

In addition to multiple certifications in physical therapy, CPT therapists are certified in massage therapy, acupuncture, and offer techniques, ranging from traditional physical therapy to a full range of alternative treatments. What makes our practice unique is the fact that we combine some of the most advanced therapeutic technologies available, including Alter G Anti-Gravity therapy, Laser-specific light therapy, and Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) with traditional methods such as Kinesiotaping, Acupuncture, Manual Massage.

CPT also offers home visits to our patients when needed, for those patients who are bed ridden and for whom traveling to CPT offices poses a challenge or is not possible at all.